Why you Should Use Medallions and Coins?
There are dozens of people who are having issues with their alcohol intake. But there are also a lot of them who would love to stop the madness. These people are looking for ways to help each other stop the alcohol addiction, forming groups and also talking about their issues in an effort to start new lives. They hold meetings with group sponsors, everyone in the group is an alcoholic in their own level. What happens in these meetings is that each and everyone of the members are given the option to encourage one another on how alcohol addiction should be stopped. People with the same issues help one another keep their promise to stop drinking alcohol. You don’t just get friends here, in this kind of group, you get to have another family, the type that will endure with you all the way through. Because of the way this group handles adversity, a lot of them have already triumph over the alcohol addiction.
The group hands out medallions, coins or tokens to those who have started to become sober and have stopped drinking alcohol. The medallions or coins handed out will have different colors and made from different materials. These coins will correspond to the number of days that the member has been sober or without any alcohol inside of his or her system, it may even become months or years. There is also a coin that is rewarded to the very first day of being sober, it will usually come in the color, white. A bronze coin will be given to the person who has been sober for a week as well. A metallic coin is given to you when you reach the first month milestone. You will receive more coins as you dive into a life of sobriety, as you continue to avoid alcohol and later your system will no longer want it. The people who get coins will become and example that the others will follow because they too would like to get coins and feel good about it.
Coins are useful in encouraging others to stop with the alcohol addiction and start with the new life, it is not an easy task but it will be more rewarding with this kind of system.
If you want to win against the addiction, your best bet is to work together and work hard to get those coins, it will give you a sense of honor and respect that others will also follow and that will cause a chain reaction.
By following this guide, you will be able to see how important these coins can be in encouraging alcoholics to stop with the addiction.
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