Taking a family vacation is a great time to bond, but long travel times can make even the most patient children antsy. This can lead to unnecessary bickering and a damper on the family fun. This article will help ease some of the travel-time tension by giving you some ideas to keep your children entertained throughout the whole trip.
Although you can buy most first aid tools on your various travels, it is still a good idea to have a first aid kit in your bag. You will be well-served to pack some essentials like bandages, soap, aspirin or other pain relievers, cold medicine, prescription medicine, etc. You never know where or when you will need these items, so it’s a safe bet to keep them with you just in case.
Before departing on a trip, the wise traveler makes sure at least one person back home knows where he will be. This “home base” contact should also be updated with any unplanned changes the traveler encounters on the way. Someone who knows where a traveler is – and where they should be – can be a great help in the case of trouble on the road.
Use carry-on luggage. Most airlines now charge extra to check a bag. So, to avoid this cost, try to fit everything into a carry-on bag, if possible. Even if your airline is one of the few that doesn’t charge to check a bag, you may still want to avoid checking a bag. In a move to cut costs, many airlines have reduced the number of employees who handle baggage, making for a much longer wait at the baggage claim.
The best part of traveling is being able to spend freely once you get to your destination. While the hotel and the flight are usually the most expensive part, the best trips usually involve spending a ton of money out and about. So before you travel set up a savings plan such that you have a fat wallet after paying for the hotel and the flight so you can maximize your enjoyment.
Everyone knows that airplane food is not exactly gourmet. A good tip is to take along your favorite spice or hot sauce, and dress up your rather bland meal. It will add that extra kick to your food, and will help it go down a little bit easier.
Losing your rental car in large parking lots is no fun. Carry one of those fluorescent foam balls that fit over the tip of your antenna or maybe even a colorful ribbon to tie to the rear view mirror. They take up no room in your luggage and can sure make locating that car a whole lot easier when there are exactly 37 others that look just like it in the same row where you parked!
A family vacation is a great time to bond, but as stated at the beginning of the article, long travel times can lead to boredom and bickering. Hopefully, this article has given you some great tips for easing the travel boredom, and will make your next vacation a memorable one.