Figuring Out Wellness

Knowing When to Hire a Mould Inspector

Mould inspections have to be performed by professional mould inspectors; they have the actual training and experience. Mould inspections are not the most enjoyable DIY project on your list and you might not get the job done since you don’t have proper training. Signs of mould growth in the past and the present are some of the first factors that mould inspectors look into. A clear indication of leakage or damage in the water system would be the mould growth; anytime there’s a leak, expect the beginnings of mould growth soon. Not only can the mould growth cause health problems for those that are already allergic to mould but a person’s can unknowingly develop sensitivity to mould if they’re exposed for lengthy periods of time.

Mould inspections have to be conducted within the building, inside the walls and other areas where we wouldn’t want any mould growth going; these areas include the frame of the house. Keep in mind that not all mould growth is considered alarming, some are quite normal. Ophiostoma and Ceratosystis are two of the most common mould that are found in structural framing within buildings, lumber and two by fours; they can also be referred to as lumber yard mould. A favourite area of these moulds would be the sap of the wood, but once the wood has completely dried then the mould stops growing; they don’t really cause any serious damage except for a few black stains on the wood. Mould inspectors who find black staining on the wood typically extract a few samples and send them to the lab to be tested; this is done in order to determine if the mould falls in the regular category.

It’s crucial for the mould inspector to pinpoint the cause of the excessive moisture; water is one of the main causes of mould growth, without water no mould will survive. Failure in finding and removing the cause of the moisture means that there will always be mould growth in the house; all the effort you put exerted beforehand would have been for nothing. We can’t stress enough how important it is to find that source of moisture, searching for it is a priority.

Why Consider a Mould Inspection?

Some of the most common reasons for mould inspections are listed below:

1. You have inexplainable allergic reactions like a runny nose or itchy eyes whenever you’re in a certain part of the house.

2. In order to be certain that the source of moisture has been removed and there are no residual mould.

3. To make sure that the house or building that you’ll be renting or purchasing doesn’t have existing problems with moulds and moisture.

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